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Eyes Fixed on Jesus

Eyes Fixed on Jesus
Hebrews 12:1-3.

When I first started going to the gym, it was a nightmare. I would spontaneously use different equipment and come home with aches. I had to give up. Then one day, I tagged along with a friend who knew what he was doing, which was the game changer.

When life’s journey feels like a struggle, how do we gain the courage to endure or persevere? This passage provides some encouragement in Jesus. He is our perfect example in times of struggle. And more, He works in us to persevere. He is the Perfecter of our faith. So we keep our eyes fixed on Him - our absolute game changer.

In the preceding chapter (11), the writer of the book of Hebrews points to great examples of lived-out faith: Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Sarah… Rahab, and so on. Something these people have in common is that they were all distinctly flawed people, yet they persevered in faith. And they make up the “great cloud of witnesses” that surrounds us (12:1). God wants the knowledge of them surrounding us to encourage us to run our race with perseverance (10:36).

How do we run the race with perseverance?
  • By Throwing off hindrances and sin (v1)
    • Hindrances - things not necessarily sinful that weigh us down in our race. Things that make us ineffective. (I pray the Holy Spirit to reveal these to us). We are to throw them off.

    • Sin - ‘sin that so easily entangles’ speaks of sinful habits. Sins we've gotten used to doing or overlooking, however enticing or gripping to the flesh, we are to throw them off.

  • By Fixing our eyes on Jesus (v2)
    • The Perfecter of our Faith - As He is the pioneer and perfecter of our faith, i.e. he began and finished this race, He also does so in us, perfecting the good work He began in us (Philippians 1:6). He is the one who enables us to endure.

    • The Perfect example of Endurance - since He knows sufferings, He can sympathise with our struggles. He is the example we look to find true encouragement and not lose heart. His perfect example “will shoot adrenaline into your souls! (MSG)” (v3)
We are encouraged by great examples of faith. Still, we are ultimately empowered to persevere by letting go of sin and hindrances, fixing our eyes on Jesus (v2) and considering Him “so that you will not grow weary and lose heart” (v3).

Reflect & Pray
When have you tried to overcome a struggle on your own? How can you look to Jesus for strength?
Thank you, Father, that as we reflect on Jesus and His suffering on the cross, we are strengthened by Your Spirit to persevere and endure in our race.

God bless you exceedingly,

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