Matthew 1:21. John 1:29-34. Can you recall your recent response at the sight of a baby or even a little kid? It's always one of delight and love, isn't it! We suddenly notice their cuteness, smile and even refreshing presence (literally, as one CNN article presents the outcome of research on how kids help the elderly live longer.) But we all know that kids outgrow this unsolicited cuteness, haha. In the passage, Matthew introduces another baby, Jesus, whom from infancy through eternity would still be worth beholding, "behold the Lamb of God" (John's gospel) because: He saves the world from sin (v29) - redeems us from the power of sin and death, giving us a new life in God. Romans 6:1-11. He baptises us with the Holy Spirit (v33) - who refreshes and empowers us to live for God. Although John the Baptist begins by beholding and testifying about Jesus, later in v35-37, He led his two disciples to Jesus, pointing them to Behold the Lamb of God. What wo...