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Showing posts from 2018

We have Hope, So we Stand

Praise God for a new month. As a fastly growing - new-ish at the time - church, Rome became a recipient of Paul's letters. He begins to write about the new life in Christ; justification by faith. However, in light of their persecutions, Paul, by inspiration, interconnects his teaching with suffering, and consequently, hope (in Romans 5 and 8). Romans 5:1-5 We are justified by faith .. we have peace with God .. we have access to His grace .. we stand in His grace .. we boast in hope. We also boast in sufferings - which produces perseverance - then character - then hope. Hope makes us unashamed - because the Holy Spirit who is in us fills us with God's love. In his letter of encouragement, Paul links our hope to our faith in Christ. Since by faith Christ lives in us through His Spirit, hope is in us. He is our hope of glory in and beyond the suffering. And despite the sufferings, we have hope, our courage to stand. Romans 8:18. Christ in us the hope of glory. He has

Trust in God and He will Guide

I recall as a student, the one thing we all dreaded about the good-old 'long' summer holidays was (not actually one thing) - the reading lists and many take-home assignments. It's as we said, the fun (holiday) came with its consequences (assignments). When I was in high school, my friends and I would sort all the difficult assignments and subject areas, and we would bring them to summer school and ask questions about our difficult assignments. Our sneaky plans lasted only for a short time. When help was no more forthcoming, we devised a new strategy; attempting the difficult assignments. We would then deliberate on the solution in the class, and if the summer school teacher responded somewhat positively, then we knew we were most likely on the right path. As kids, that sense of direction was so needed for those Science and Further Maths 'then, fun-draining' homework. Proverbs 3:5-6. The Lord will lovingly guide a heart that is set on Him. Proverbs 3:5-6 [NI

So Great Our Father's Love

Praise God for a new month. Great is the measure of our Father's Love. Psalm 103:11-12. Romans 8:38-39. For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him; as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us. Great is the measure of our Father's Love. For I am convinced that neither death nor life,..., nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Think about His love Think about His goodness Think about His grace That's brought us through For as high as the heavens above So great is the measure Of our Father's love Song by Don Moen God is for us, amen. Have a blessed month in His Loving Presence.

2018: Learning (Experiencing) Jesus

Praise God for a new year. 2017 is gone and 2018 has come. Happy New Year, just learnt that in Welsh you say Blwyddyn Newydd Dda , we'll come back to that :) Matthew 11:25-30. In the gospel we see themes such as Jesus calls His disciples, Jesus healing the sick, Jesus talks to the Samaritan woman, The Beatitudes, ... The whole of the gospels could as well be wrapped up in the title 'The Jesus experience'. In the passage, Jesus makes his first recorded invitation to experiencing the rest and life which He gives. And He points out that as we learn of Him we continue to find that rest - unique experience. (John 6:53-55). Matthew 11:25-30. As we learn of Jesus this year, may we continue to find rest. Happy New Year. Revelations 22:17 points to the recorded last invitation: The Spirit and the bride say, “Come!”. As we experience this fellowship by the Spirit we are tuned in to echo what is the mind of Christ (and of the Father) - Matthew 11:25-27. In the joy of that