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Guided into the field of favour

Ruth 2:1-23. NIV. In Chapter 1, Ruth shows kindness to Naomi, demonstrating God’s love for her in her time of suffering. Chapter 2 shows how God uses the kindness of a close relative, Boaz (v20), to reward and favour Ruth for her faith—“taking refuge in God.” Ruth took refuge in God… Earlier in Chapter 1, we saw that Ruth, a Moabite widow, insisted on returning to Bethlehem with her mother-in-law (1:4-5, 1:16-18, 1:22), although Moabites were enemies of Israel (Judges 3:12). So why this decision? Aside from her love for her mother-in-law, Chapter 2 shows that Ruth had “come to take refuge” in God (v12). She found faith in God and declared to Naomi, “…your God my God” (1:16). This declaration meant a different way of living, so she returned with Naomi to live in Bethlehem (v23). And found favour with Boaz… While...
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Accompanied by unfailing love

Ruth 1:1-22 NIV. I hope you had an enjoyable Christmas break. Happy New Year! The Book of Ruth has been called the most beautiful short story ever written because of its simple narrative. A narrative that shows how God’s provision for our needs or challenges is often woven into the simple acts of human kindness. Chapter 1 shows the kindness of a daughter-in-law, Ruth, to her mother-in-law, Naomi (v8, 16, 22), and we’ll see God at work through that. But first, the passage sets the context by introducing us to Naomi’s loss… Naomi lost her family… When Naomi (which means pleasant) is first introduced, we are told of her loss. A woman in a foreign land who lost her family (v1-5). She feels bitter, empty and afflicted by the Lord (v21). Why so? …Because Naomi knows Israel’s God to be the Almighty—Sovereign. He can bring famine to a disobedient Israel (v1) a...

God is Blessed Forever

Revelation 5:13, 22:1-5. [Series on: The Blessed] Scriptures associate "blessed" with disciples, creation, the church, and God. But often, when associated with God, we see the phrase "blessed forever". The passage in Revelation uses eternal worship and reward to show us God's eternal blessedness. Eternal worship The passage (in Rev 5:13) records the very words of every creature in heaven and on earth at the sight of God—at the throne of the Father and the Lamb (Jesus); "To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be blessing and honour and glory and might forever and ever!" This truth about God being blessed forever is echoed throughout Scripture (Psalms 89:52, 113:2, Romans 9:5, 2 Corinthians 11:31). This conveys the eternal worship due to God. It also speaks of God as the source of eternal reward/blessings. Eternal reward ...

The Church is Blessed

Psalm 133:1-3. [Series on: The Blessed] Have you ever gone to a place before and thought, gush, that place or people is so full of life–in a good way? That’s how David, the writer of the passage, describes God’s people living in unity—the Church. Verse 1 says it is good and pleasant, and verse 3b says God blesses it. We see this pattern in the first creation story, where God says that creation is good and then blesses it (Genesis 1:21–22). So, God’s people living in unity here is a creation story—a new creation. Verses 2–3a show that this new creation is good because of a relationship involving one head—symbolised by Aaron’s head (v2) and a high mountain, Mount Hermon (v3b). This new creation is blessed because of the head above it. The New Testament tells us that this new creation of God’s people with one head is called the Church (1 Peter 2:10, Ephesians 5:23, 1 Corinthians 12:27). The head is Christ, fr...

Creation is Blessed

Genesis 1:20-28. [Series on: The Blessed] Usually, when you go to the zoo, there are sections of the zoo that people don’t stand too long to watch as they give an icky feeling. But then there is the section that everyone likes, like the penguin section. I like the penguin section, too! Scriptures refer to God’s creation as blessed. The passage tells the creation story. We see God’s goodness in creation, even with its variety and contrasting elements. All God made was good, yes, the icky ones, too (v24). And He blessed His creation (v22, 28). Although we live in a fallen world due to sin, we also live in a blessed world—blessed from the very beginning and sustained by the God of covenant and faithfulness (Genesis 1:22,28; Genesis 8:21-9:1). In the Psalms, David repeatedly refers to God’s blessed creation in wonder. He expresses that we are so blessed and… Undeserving of it. “What is man that yo...

Disciples are Blessed

Matthew 5:1-12 NIV. [Series on: The Blessed] How would you describe a blessed and happy life? One of my friends believes there’s only one happy person each week, the lottery winner, and the rest of us just have make-believe happiness. Maybe you share my friend's view or have your own picture of happiness. The Bible also has its own picture, and in this short series on the Blessed we'll see who are the blessed of Scripture. In today's passage, Jesus gathers His disciples to the mountainside, away from the crowd and teaches them what a truly blessed and happy life—beatitude—looks like. Jesus shows that a blessed life is the life of a disciple, those who are: Poor in spirit (v3, Psalm 42:1; 63:1): who depend on God in everything. Mourning (v4, Isaiah 61:2-3): who seek God’s rescue/forgiveness by repentance. Meek (v5, Psalm 37:9-11): who humbly wait for the Lord amidst life’s ...

In trials, Remain in the fold!

1 Peter 5:1-14 NIV. Despite its fleeting nature, the allure of worldliness can be powerful. The world presents a supposedly better way of life accompanied by trendy hashtags like #yolo, #choplife, and #softlife. How appealing such worldly invitations would have been for Peter's audience in the face of stern trials, the thought that switching sides to the worldly alternative could relieve their trials. As Peter ends this first letter, he encourages believers to remain in the fold—in the family of God, in Christ's sheepfold—because those who are in the fold will share in Christ's glory (vv 1, 4, 10-11). So, remain in the family of God by continuing to... Be shepherds (v1-4). If entrusted as a shepherd or leader, faithfully serve those under your care with exemplary living as one accountable to God (1-3). This is how you will receive a crown of glory from the Chief Shepherd (4). So,...