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Showing posts from November, 2020

Remembrance Sunday 2020

To every soul who fought for a just cause, And in so doing laid down their lives, You fought like my Saviour! You fought like my Lord! May your selfless act be forever cherished, And may your memories be forever loved. 💕🌹 John 15:13 #RemembranceSunday

Majestic Name, Glorious Inheritance

Psalm 8. In the passage, the Psalmist reminds us of the majesty of God in creation, and the glorious inheritance we have through the cross of Jesus. v2 You have ordained strength to the weak in order to silence the enemy. v3-5 You have ordained (crowned) glory and honour to man (much more than you ordained to other works of your hands) in order to demonstrate your love (how ‘mindful' you are for us). v6-8 You have ordained (made to have) dominion in order to show the majesty of your cross (because you have put all things under his feet). And for Your bloody, wonderful, glorious cross - which defeated Your enemies (including death), demonstrated Your love for us, and caused us to reign as co-heirs with Christ (Eph 1:18-23), we say O LORD, our Lord, How majestic is Your name in all the earth! Reflect & Pray What change has the cross of Jesus made