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Showing posts from January, 2014

Something to Trust For

Praise God, praise God, praise God, praise God. Wow, just a bit excited over here. I strongly sense God saying to you and me: "I need you to trust me completely this time". Proverbs 3:5-6 is a reminder of the need to trust God completely. Maybe the reason why some things don't work out or partially work out is because we're still holding back, maybe we have to boldly say, Lord this time I'm holding nothing back - and actually give it all to Jesus. I believe a need stirs up trust. Anytime God demands your trust, that's because He intends to meet a need (and He demands our trust daily). Acting in trust means acting in obedience. Let's take an example from Luke 5; v4. Jesus asks Peter to launch into the deep. v5. Peter knows it's hardly possible for any catch at that hour, but decides to trust. v6. Peter's trust was followed by an act of obedience. I love verse 6. It says, reading from NIV; When they had done so, they caught such a large nu

My Prayer for You this Year

This is not the new year’s message – click here for that . Happy New Year and good morning. I’d love to quickly pray God’s word into your new year. Heavenly Father we bless you for your graciousness and your love towards us. It’s a privilege to see another year. The Word of God says in Psalm 30:5; weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning. Your morning has just begun - I pray today that any pain that occurred in 2013 shall not repeat itself this year. God shall cause your joy to be full in 2014, in Jesus name. May God’s perfect peace and presence be continually revealed to you, for he has promised never to forsake you. The Sun shall not smite you by day nor the moon by night. God bless your going out and your coming in. God bless the works of your hands and make you fruitful. May his goodness and mercies be with you continually – may his divine provision be your daily testimony. In this year 2014, may God guide you to greater intimacy with the Holy Spiri