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Help from the LORD

Help from the LORD
Psalm 121. [ESV]

What do you do when you need help?

Psalm 121 is a song of ascent - these are psalms sung by worshippers on their way up to Jerusalem. (Historical context of the writing was during the time of Judean exile by Babylon. So, written to encourage pilgrims of a future of hope.) And the psalmist begins:

I lift up my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come?

On this journey up to Jerusalem, the Psalmist looks to the distant hill of Jerusalem where the Temple was and perhaps gazes in hope from a distance. But ultimately, he comes to a conviction of God's present help:

My help comes from the LORD, who made heaven and earth.

He affirms that God is as present in his journey as He is in the destination. My help comes from the LORD!

I think of a recent testimony a friend shared about when he needed to decide about university. At first, he was uncertain of what to do. So he prayed about it and finally resolved to do a gap year program with the church (called Impact), and then went to uni afterwards. "I'm so glad I asked God to help. That was the best decision I made," he said. When we seek the LORD's help, there is a certainty of His help.

The Psalmist reminds us of the certainty of God's help (v3-4). The same LORD who faithfully kept/keeps Israel, who holds the world together, is the One who keeps you. The LORD is your keeper (v5). The LORD will keep you...He will keep your life (v7), and The LORD will keep your goings (v8).

Reflect & Pray
How does the Psalmist's resolve encourage you?
Thank you, Father, that You still help us now and promise to help us forever (v8).

God bless you exceedingly,

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