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2015 - Keeping in Step with the Spirit

The message for 2015:
"Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit." Galatians 5:25.

Keeping in step involves a daily lifted hands (fellowship with God), a daily unclenched fist (receiving his blessing), a daily lent hand (being a blessing - God’s vessel).

In 2015, we will keep in step with a listening, obedient and trusting heart.

Listen and keep listening
A true knowledge of God is based on an intimate relationship - not just on knowing the dos and don’ts, but on understanding the heart of the Father. We will obey joyfully, not when the task is easy, but when we understand His heart. Listening to God and keeping a listening heart (discerning Presence) is the key to understanding God’s heart - and true worship. How do we listen to God? By keeping our hearts, our desires focused or tuned on what he delights in, while we ask, seek or knock - wait on him. Make understanding His heart a priority in your fellowship.
Strength rises from waiting; waiting is not just service, but service with knowledge/purpose. Isaiah 40:31, Daniel 11:32.
  • Take the step of constant listening to God

Prove and be proved
In everything we do, we prove God. We prove God in our response to His command, it could be in disobedience; Psalm 95:8-11, or obedience; Malachi 3:9-11. The passages show that when we prove God in obedience, we are blessed (the contrary is a stumbling block to the release of his blessing). Prove God in obedience to his word.
Likewise, we can let God prove us, by hearkening to his corrective word Psalm 139:23, 119:105, John 17:17, Acts 20:32. We need his proving/sanctification to learn complete obedience and to be a blessing, 2 Corinthians 10:5-6.
  • Take the step of obedience to God

Trust with all your heart
We have to trust God completely. As well as in our actions, we ought to please him by exercising a kind of son-father confidence in Him; applying that gift of faith by which we were saved. Proverbs 3:5-6, Hebrews 11:6, Ephesians 2:8.
When we listen to God and trust or have faith in him our act of obedience becomes pleasing to God - as it is led by the conviction of the Holy Spirit, not consensus or the flesh.
  • Take the step of faith in God

As we look to Jesus to lead us each day this year, may we experience His manifest Presence, amen. Have a prosperous 2015.

God bless you.

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