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Sharing His Hope

It's Easter season, so I'll just give a short personal-biblical story/encouragement to stir you to doing something for the Master's sake this season and continually.
One day I was meditating on Jesus feeding the five thousand story (Matthew 14:16-21) and his other acts of love, and suddenly I could discern God asking me to do something similar, (and even provided me with how to go about it).
At one point of reflection, just to back out I thought: but Jesus was the Son of God, He was anointed for such stuff, he could easily multiply the loaves...
Further, at the point of reflection, I knew the word easily in this context, sounds like it cost him nothing.
But in fact it cost him his kingdom, his life, his everything to come to earth.
And the thought of 'feeding the five thousand, whom he knew would crucify him later' is a whole lesson on self-denial and sacrifice. Yes, it did cost him everything.
All my initial resistance was against the sacrifice of a couple of pennies (probably not a great deal).
Well, after it had quickly struck me that it cost Jesus everything to feed the five thousand, I decided to take the open-bonanza technique to sharing God's love with friends and folks.
Afterwards, very few caught the message and were saved, but you know what, no worries cause same thing happened to Jesus.
Despite Jesus' sacrifice, the whole kosmos (Grk for: world) is not yet saved, but there is now hope for many (who believe) because of his sacrificial love.
In like manner, your sacrifice of love can release this hope. The best bit is we don't have to die, we can just overflow the love of the Father which draws many to him (John 12:32).
God's hope (like many others; mercy, grace...) is (something) released out of His compassionate love.
So here's the point: We gotta do something special for Jesus' sake, It's all about Jesus right. Some practical suggestions:
If you are good in BBQ, go on, BBQ for Jesus,
And if you do helping hands, do it for Jesus,
And if you are feeling like a perfect Chef (like myself),
that's good, get shopping and make it huge for Jesus.
Jesus is alive and true hope, true love, true life, true faith is only found in him. He is the only way to the Father - God (John 14:6).
Whatever you do this season; share that sacrificial love with folks for the Master's sake. Happy Easter.
Remain forever blessed.

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